1. Advice and Information -

    Palliative care is support for people who are in the last months or years of their life. We have pulled together some guidance to help you know what to expect, how to plan ahead and make decisions about your future care.
  2. News -

    More than 70 people came to an emotional performance of Phyllis, a play about an older woman’s experiences following a fall.
  3. News -

    Most people want to die at home, but the reality is that the majority of us are spending our last days in hospital.
  4. Report -

    The board has a presentation on local government shared services (LGSS) and hears from Centre 33 about new research into young carers.
  5. Report -

    The meeting hears about the Enhanced Response Service running across Cambridgeshire and about county charity Cam Sight which supports people of all ages with low vision and blindness.
  6. Report -

    Read the Terms of Reference for the Older People's Partnership Board 2019/20
  7. Report -

    A review of the Board's activities and discussions 2018-19.
  8. Report -

    The meeting hears about raising awareness of Charles Bonnet Syndrome, where a person whose vision has started to
    deteriorate sees things that aren't real.
  9. Report -

    The meeting hears from Specialist Housing Advisors who help people find the right housing.
  10. Advice and Information -

    Continuing Health Care is social care arranged and funded by the NHS for people who have been assessed as needing care to manage a health problem.
  11. Report -

    Read our new report into life in Ashlynn Grange Care Home in Bretton following our visit on 25 September 2019.
  12. Report -

    Report following our visit to Field House Care Home in Eyebury Road, Peterborough on 30 October 2019.
  13. News -

    Inspectors from the Care Quality Commission and Ofsted have issued a written statement of action following a visit to services for children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) in Peterborough.
  14. Blog -

    New members are wanted on the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Partnership Boards. Could you use your knowledge and experience of using social care to help others?
  15. News -

    Parent carers across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough are under severe strain looking after their children and young people with additional needs and disabilities.
  16. Blog -

    We're looking for volunteers from across Peterborough to help make care better for people with disabilities, older people and family carers.
    If you've got lived experience of using social care services, your experience could really help others.
  17. Blog -

    We're recruiting volunteers to help improve care services for local people with sight and hearing loss. Like to get involved?
  18. Report -

    Our new report, Life in a care home, is published today. And tells the experiences of people living at Cambridgeshire and Peterborough care homes during the Covid-19 pandemic and their friends and families.
  19. News -

    Join the Sensory Impairment Partnership Board and help improve health and social care services for people with sensory impairments.
  20. Advice and Information -

    The rising cost of living risks many being unable to afford essentials to maintain their health. Find out what support is available in Peterborough to help you and your family.
  21. Blog -

    The rising cost of living is causing anxiety for many older people, disabled people and family carers, who worry about increasing food, energy and care costs, says Partnership Development Manager Graham Lewis in a new blog.
  22. Report -

    Read the minutes from the meetings of the Carers' Partnership Board from the last year.
  23. Report -

    Read the minutes from Physical Disability Partnership Board over the last year.
  24. Report -

    Read about the issues being discussed by our Older People's Partnership Board over the last year.
  25. Report -

    Read about the issues the Learning Disability Partnership Board has been discussing over the last year.
  26. Report -

    Read more about the issues discussed by the Sensory Impairment Partnership Board this year.
  27. News -

    Thanks to the feedback you shared, NHS and care services have worked hard to improve the support people and their families get near the end of life.