Healthwatch visit report on Field House care home

Report following our visit to Field House Care Home in Eyebury Road, Peterborough on 30 October 2019.

It is home to around 49 residents, most of whom live with some element of dementia. 

We wanted to know what residents and family members think about care there.

And to find out how easy it is for people living in the home to access local health services such as GPs, audiologists, dentists, opticians and chiropodists.

We also spoke to members of staff who are providing care.

What we found

  • The home appears clean, safe and uncluttered. But lacks comfort in some areas.
  • There’s one activity co-ordinator in the home and a timetable of activities for residents.
  • Residents told us the food was ‘very good’ and that they had choice.
  • Residents’ healthcare needs are attended to as needed from external healthcare staff such as GPs, community nurses, opticians and chiropodists. 
  • There is no visiting dental service. 

There were many positive aspects in the home. However, our key findings suggest some areas where improvements could be made.  These include:

  • More comfortable seating and better seating plans to encourage residents to talk to one another
  • Increasing the variety of activities in the home
  • Making sure the manager’s office is clearly labelled for visitors

As a result of our report, Field House has come up with a 14-point action plan which it plans to implement as soon as possible.

Visiting services

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Read the report

Field House report
Action plan from Field House in response to Healthwatch recommendations

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