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    More than eighty-five thousand people are now waiting for hospital care in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough. Although this may be just the tip of the iceberg and some are ‘missing’ from this count as they’ve not come forward for treatment.
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    Parent carers across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough are under severe strain looking after their children and young people with additional needs and disabilities.
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    Three new Directors have joined the Healthwatch Board. And Associate Director Chelsia Lake also becomes a Director.
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    The new award-winning palliative care hub was top of the agenda at last week's Peterborough Health and Care Forum. We also heard about some of the latest research into improving the quality of life for older people after cancer.
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    Care from your GP surgery, difficulties finding an NHS dentist and waits for hospital appointments are amongst the top experiences you've been sharing with us over the last three months.
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    Clear, understandable information is important to help you make the right health and care decisions. Join our campaign and have your say on what needs to change.
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    Continuing NHS dentistry issues, the closure of an NHS Patient Helpdesk supporting people waiting for care, and healthcare for Ukrainian refugees in our area were among the topics discussed at our March Board meeting yesterday.
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    Our new Life in a care home report, published today, has been welcomed by local councils and our local NHS as "important" and providing "valuable insights".
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    If you have a disability, impairment or sensory loss, the Accessible Information Standard gives you a right to health and care information in the way you need it – as well as communications support at appointments.
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    A new survey of public attitudes to NHS dentistry shows that half of the adults in England find dental charges unfair amid escalating living costs. Healthwatch has warned decision-makers that NHS dentistry is in desperate need of reform.
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    Championing Access - this year the spotlight is on equal access to health and care services. And on the big changes to how NHS and care services are working.
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    Join the Sensory Impairment Partnership Board and help improve health and social care services for people with sensory impairments.
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    GP care, difficulties finding an NHS dentist and hospital outpatient appointments are the top three topics that people talked to us about last month.
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    It has been another extraordinary year as Covid-19 has continued to affect everyone’s lives. Our Annual report tells some of our stories from the last twelve months and the difference you’ve made by sharing your experiences of care.
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    The introduction of Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Integrated Care System from 1 July gives us a unique chance to feed people’s views into the planning and running of services – especially the voices of those who are not being heard now.
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    More than 100 people joined us for our Championing Access Health and Care Summit in Peterborough earlier this month, just one week into the life of the new NHS structure.
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    Thanks to you, NHS England will take steps to make sure there is better dental support for people with complex problems and improve the information for those trying to find an NHS dentist.
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    One in four disabled people reported being actively refused communication support in a national deep-dive analysis of people's experiences of getting information in the way they need it.
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    Have you or your loved one struggled to get a GP referral for tests or treatment?
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    Our Healthwatch joins with the nation in mourning the death of her Majesty the Queen.
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    Some routine appointments are being postponed this Bank Holiday Monday due to the funeral of her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II - but you will be contacted in advance if your care is going to be affected.
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    We are on the hunt for a new CEO after our leader, Sandie Smith, announced she will be stepping down in March 2023, after ten years at the helm.
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    Pregnancy is a major life event for any family. It can be joyful and fulfilling but also challenging. We’re supporting a national survey to understand how well care works for new mothers and birthing parents. Share your story
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    Thanks to the feedback you shared, NHS and care services have worked hard to improve the support people and their families get near the end of life.
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    Efforts are underway to support patients who have been affected by West Cambs Federation ceasing trading.
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    Peterborough has been ranked as the least healthy place in Britain, coming in at 307th in health statistics for its population. Stewart Francis, our Chair of Healthwatch Peterborough, is calling for increased investment in the city's healthcare system in response to the survey.
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    The team at Healthwatch Cambridgeshire and Peterborough have been shortlisted for a national Impact Award for our work in delivering a Gypsy, Roma, and Traveller cultural awareness programme. This was provided to more than 400 colleagues working in the local Integrated Care System (ICS), along with the rollout of an extensive community engagement plan, to tackle the health inequalities experienced by these communities.
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    In a bid to address the concerning surge in youth vaping and safeguard children's health, the UK government has declared a ban on disposable vapes. This move was announced by the Prime Minister during a school visit on 29th January, marking a significant step in the government's response to the rising trend of smoking and vaping among young people.
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    Our Fenland & East Cambridgeshire Health and Care Forum welcomed a special guest on 8th February, as the Chair of Healthwatch England, Professor David Croisdale-Appleby, attended.
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    Cambridgeshire County Council and Peterborough City Council’s joint public health team is inviting residents to have their say on how new and existing communities can be healthy, supportive and inclusive.
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    Healthwatch Cambridgeshire and Peterborough are delighted to announce the appointment of Jess Slater as our new CEO. Jess will officially take up her new role on Monday 13th May.
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    Healthwatch Cambridgeshire and Peterborough were recognised at the National Healthwatch Impact Awards this week for helping to improve care for local people.
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    On behalf of Healthwatch Cambridgeshire and Peterborough, we extend our deepest condolences on the passing of Samantha Davis, founder of Little People UK.
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    We're excited to share that our podcast, Healthy Talk, is now live.
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    Jess Slater has begun her new role as CEO of Healthwatch Cambridgeshire, bringing with her 19 years of dedicated experience in the voluntary sector with Northamptonshire Older Persons.
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    The Government has launched a consultation on the NHS Constitution, which sets out your rights as an NHS patient. Read why it's important to have your say.
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    The spring COVID-19 vaccination programme is now underway. If you are aged 75 and over, or six months and over with a weakened immune system, please do take up the offer of the spring COVID-19 vaccination as it will help protect you from serious illness.