1. News -

    Parent carers across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough are under severe strain looking after their children and young people with additional needs and disabilities.
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    Our new Life in a care home report, published today, has been welcomed by local councils and our local NHS as "important" and providing "valuable insights".
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    Read the minutes from Physical Disability Partnership Board over the last year.
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    Read about the issues being discussed by our Older People's Partnership Board over the last year.
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    Read about the issues the Learning Disability Partnership Board has been discussing over the last year.
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    Read more about the issues discussed by the Sensory Impairment Partnership Board this year.
  7. Advice and Information -

    Health issues unfortunately don't leave us alone at the weekend and people are often in need of medical assistance out of hours. Using NHS guidelines, we have provided some advice and information on where you can go for help when your GP is closed.
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    The Accessible Information Standard is mandatory for all organisations that provide National Health Service (NHS) or adult social care. Here’s some key information about the accessible communications you should expect from services.
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    If you have a disability, impairment or sensory loss, the Accessible Information Standard gives you a right to health and care information in the way you need it – as well as communications support at appointments.
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    A new survey of public attitudes to NHS dentistry shows that half of the adults in England find dental charges unfair amid escalating living costs. Healthwatch has warned decision-makers that NHS dentistry is in desperate need of reform.
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    Championing Access - this year the spotlight is on equal access to health and care services. And on the big changes to how NHS and care services are working.
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    Join the Sensory Impairment Partnership Board and help improve health and social care services for people with sensory impairments.
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    More than 100 people joined us for our Championing Access Health and Care Summit in Peterborough earlier this month, just one week into the life of the new NHS structure.
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    Healthwatch Deputy Chair Philippa Brice reflects on our Championing Access Health and Care Summit. And how the new NHS structure is an opportunity to involve people in developing services that work better for everyone.
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    One in four disabled people reported being actively refused communication support in a national deep-dive analysis of people's experiences of getting information in the way they need it.
  16. Advice and Information -

    The rising cost of living risks many being unable to afford essentials to maintain their health. Find out what support is available in Peterborough to help you and your family.
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    The rising cost of living is causing anxiety for many older people, disabled people and family carers, who worry about increasing food, energy and care costs, says Partnership Development Manager Graham Lewis in a new blog.
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    Palliative care is support for people who are in the last months or years of their life. We have pulled together some guidance to help you know what to expect, how to plan ahead and make decisions about your future care.
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    Thanks to the feedback you shared, NHS and care services have worked hard to improve the support people and their families get near the end of life.