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    A unique approach to tackling funding issues in our local NHS has been highlighted in our newly-published Community Values Panel reports.
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    Three young people from City College Peterborough are working with us on an important new project to help improve access to GP services for disabled people.
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    South Cambridgeshire resident Will lost too much weight and became unwell with untreated Crohn’s disease after struggling to communicate with health professionals. Will is Deaf and uses British Sign Language.
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    Communications with patients and service users must be a priority as health and care services restart following the peak of the pandemic.
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    Our Healthwatch supported a national study into people's experiences of online and telephone consultations.
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    Our third and final briefing from our three-month Covid-19 survey is published today.
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    Our new report - Giving GP Websites a Check-up - is out today and looks at how easy it is to find information on GP websites across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough.
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    Coronavirus has had a big impact on the health system – resulting in delayed or cancelled operations, treatment, screenings and referrals for local people.
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    People in and around Peterborough have been in contact with Healthwatch on a whole range of health and care issues since lockdown started in March.
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    People across Peterborough are being urged not to delay getting help for their health this winter. And our local NHS services say they are here to help you stay well, safely.
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    A new information checklist has been developed by our Healthwatch volunteers to help GP surgeries make their websites clear and accessible for patients.
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    Many NHS staff are about to start their second year on the frontline of the Covid-19 pandemic. And lots of local people have told us how hard they are finding the current lockdown.
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    The way we use our GP practices has fundamentally shifted as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic.
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    Previously known as My Right to Healthcare, GP Access cards allow people who aren't registered with a GP practice, have no fixed address or identification to communicate their right to healthcare.
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    The local NHS has responded to a letter from us promising improvements to end of life care for people in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough.
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    Healthcare staff across our area have been praised by our CEO Sandie Smith for their hard work in helping to tackle the Covid-caused backlog of patients needing care.
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    National plans to share GP patient records for planning and research have been shelved until 1 September.
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    Anyone using or visiting healthcare settings must continue to wear a face covering and stick to social distancing rules.
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    Over the last year, we’ve been pressing for improvements to GP websites to make them easier for patients to access and find essential information. And at our November Board Meeting we heard action is being taken by our Clinical Commissioning Group.
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    Care from your GP surgery, difficulties finding an NHS dentist and waits for hospital appointments are amongst the top experiences you've been sharing with us over the last three months.
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    GP care, difficulties finding an NHS dentist and hospital outpatient appointments are the top three topics that people talked to us about last month.
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    Have you or your loved one struggled to get a GP referral for tests or treatment?
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    Thanks to the feedback you shared, NHS and care services have worked hard to improve the support people and their families get near the end of life.
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    Recruitment of Healthwatch Community Researchers volunteers is under way to help us conduct projects and speak to local people about their experiences...and we are looking for more to join us in St Neots, St Ives and Peterborough.
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    In this article, we explain the role of Integrated Care Boards and Integrated Care Systems, identify their different roles, and look at how Healthwatch works with them.
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    Efforts are underway to support patients who have been affected by West Cambs Federation ceasing trading.
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    More than 70 people came to an emotional performance of Phyllis, a play about an older woman’s experiences following a fall.
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    Most people want to die at home, but the reality is that the majority of us are spending our last days in hospital.
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    A ‘perfect storm’ could be brewing for people using mental health, learning disability and autism services, warns the Care Quality Commission.
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    Today Healthwatch has published a new report Empowering people at the end of life.
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    People receiving direct payments for adult social care are to get a 10% rise from Peterborough City Council.
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    The final report from our Covid-19 survey - published today - highlights the health and care struggles of some of the most disadvantaged in our communities across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough.
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    Our new "transport for all" report calls for greater awareness about the needs of older people and people with disabilities to Keep on Moving.
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    Parent carers across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough are under severe strain looking after their children and young people with additional needs and disabilities.
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    At our recent Healthwatch Summit – Adult Social Care: Meeting the challenges, we welcomed a wide range of local health professionals and service users who shared their experiences.