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    A new autism service for young people is due to start in the autumn thanks to the lobbying of Pinpoint, our Healthwatch and the National Autistic Society.
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    A ‘perfect storm’ could be brewing for people using mental health, learning disability and autism services, warns the Care Quality Commission.
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    People with autism and learning disabilities say they need much more support and help to live full, healthy and productive lives, reveals a new report from Healthwatch.
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    Our new report highlighting the health and care experiences of autistic people from Peterborough and Cambridgeshire is published today.
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    Your views are wanted on new plans on how to support autistic children, young people and adults in Peterborough over the next five years.
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    If you have a disability, impairment or sensory loss, the Accessible Information Standard gives you a right to health and care information in the way you need it – as well as communications support at appointments.
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    The local NHS is postponing all non-essential appointments from 20 March to help it deal with the pressures caused by COVID-19 coronavirus.
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    The coronavirus crisis has put huge pressure on our local hospitals. To make sure they can look after people with acute needs, hospitals are changing the way patients no longer needing a bed are discharged.
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    We are closing down all face to face activities for the next 12 weeks, whilst we work to support the local NHS and care organisations manage the coronavirus crisis in our area.
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    People receiving direct payments for adult social care are to get a 10% rise from Peterborough City Council.
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    Next week is Dying Matters Awareness Week - helping people to raise the conversation about dying, death and bereavement.
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    A "conditional plan" to begin lifting England's coronavirus lockdown was announced yesterday by the government.
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    A new interactive website has launched for the 16,000+ Cambridgeshire and Peterborough people who are shielding during the covid-19 lockdown.
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    Groups of up to six people will be able to meet outside in England from Monday, 1 June.
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    Prime Minister Boris Johnson says lockdown will be “safely eased” in England next month.
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    Communications with patients and service users must be a priority as health and care services restart following the peak of the pandemic.
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    Most have had good healthcare, but people are worried about managing their health when treatment has been paused. And one in three have delayed getting help for a health condition.
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    Healthwatch Chair Val Moore was on BBC Radio Cambridgeshire on Monday calling for local people to be involved and informed about restarting local NHS services.
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    Our third and final briefing from our three-month Covid-19 survey is published today.
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    Our new report - Giving GP Websites a Check-up - is out today and looks at how easy it is to find information on GP websites across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough.
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    Coronavirus has had a big impact on the health system – resulting in delayed or cancelled operations, treatment, screenings and referrals for local people.
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    The Covid-19 outbreak and social distancing rules have affected the way organisations and support groups meet.
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    Peterborough is now off the coronavirus watch list – but people must stay vigilant.
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    People in and around Peterborough have been in contact with Healthwatch on a whole range of health and care issues since lockdown started in March.
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    Our Information and Signposting Officer Anne Aldred features in a new local podcast about grief.
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    The final report from our Covid-19 survey - published today - highlights the health and care struggles of some of the most disadvantaged in our communities across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough.
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    People across Peterborough are being urged not to delay getting help for their health this winter. And our local NHS services say they are here to help you stay well, safely.
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    Plans to relocate Peterborough’s Urgent Treatment Centre (UTC) and GP Out of Hours Service to the city hospital site will go ahead – but not before next April at least.
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    Prime Minister Boris Johnson is urging people to continue with the lockdown rules and basic hygiene advice and not get distracted by news of the Pfizer/BioNtech vaccine progress.
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    The Covid shutdown of dental services across our area aggravated existing problems around access to high street NHS dental care.
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    As NHS and care staff work hard to keep us safe, join our 'Because We All Care' campaign and help them protect people.
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    A new information checklist has been developed by our Healthwatch volunteers to help GP surgeries make their websites clear and accessible for patients.
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    The way people are discharged from hospital across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough should work better for patients says our new report published today.
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    The Covid-19 vaccines are here and rolling out across our area. But please stay patient, our Healthwatch CEO Sandie Smith told BBC Radio Cambridgeshire listeners this week.
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    Many NHS staff are about to start their second year on the frontline of the Covid-19 pandemic. And lots of local people have told us how hard they are finding the current lockdown.
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    On Tuesday 22 February, the Prime Minister set the ‘roadmap’ out of lockdown. And from 8 March people will see restrictions start to lift as part of a four step plan.
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    People with learning disabilities in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough are now getting their Covid-19 vaccinations.
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    The way we use our GP practices has fundamentally shifted as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic.
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    Our Engagement Officer Rebwar has been helping to get Covid-19 vaccination, testing and self-isolation information out to different communities in Peterborough and Fenland.
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    It’s an anxious, unsettling and frustrating time for many local people who are having to wait for non-urgent treatments and procedures as well as appointments and tests.
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    Healthcare staff across our area have been praised by our CEO Sandie Smith for their hard work in helping to tackle the Covid-caused backlog of patients needing care.
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    Anyone using or visiting healthcare settings must continue to wear a face covering and stick to social distancing rules.
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    The Directors of Public Health and of Education in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough have recommended that secondary schools reintroduce measures to stop the spread of COVID-19.